The New York State and Local Retirement System (NYSLRS) administers two distinct systems. They are:

  • The Employees’ Retirement System (ERS) with 640,581 members; and
  • The Police and Fire Retirement System (PFRS) with 34,938 members.

There are also 496,628 retirees and beneficiaries in NYSLRS bringing the total to 1,172,147 participants, as of March 31, 2021.

ERS provides service and disability retirement benefits, as well as death benefits to employees of participating public employers in non-teaching positions, exclusive of New York City. This includes uniformed services personnel, such as correction officers and sheriffs.

PFRS provides service and disability retirement benefits, as well as death benefits to police officers and firefighters who work for participating public employers, exclusive of New York City.

The New York State Comptroller is the administrative head of the Retirement System. As fiduciary, the Comptroller acts in the best interests of the System’s members and retirees. The Comptroller is the trustee of the Common Retirement Fund (the audited value of the Fund was $258.1 billion as of March 31, 2021). He also ensures that the different benefit programs offered by NYSLRS are managed properly and effectively.

See our Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for additional information about the Retirement System’s financial activities.


Rev. 9/21

84 thoughts on “About NYSLRS

  1. Phil Montana

    I will still be working in NY at a school district but my address will be changing to another state before I retire. Will this affect anything on my NYSLRS pension acct?

    1. NYSLRS Post author

      Generally you would continue to earn service credit if you are going to continue to work for a public employer in New York State.
      For account-specific information, please message our customer service representatives using our secure contact form. Filling out the secure form allows them to safely contact you about your personal account information.

      If you move, be sure to update your contact information using Retirement Online.

    1. NYSLRS Post author

      NYSLRS does not provide life insurance, but most NYSLRS retirees are eligible for a post-retirement death benefit if they retired directly from payroll or within one year of leaving covered employment. The post-retirement benefit is a percentage of the benefit available during your working years.

      Death benefits vary by tier and retirement plan. You can find general information about death benefits on our website.

      For specific information about your death benefits, please email our customer service representatives using our secure email form. One of our representatives will review your account and respond to your questions. Filling out the secure form allows us to safely contact you about your personal account information.

      1. NYSLRS Post author

        The Ten Year Certain payment option provides you with a reduced monthly benefit for your lifetime. If you live beyond the ten-year period, your beneficiary will not receive a pension benefit upon your death.

        However, there is a post-retirement death benefit for Tier 4 members if you retired directly from service or if you were a vested member and your date of retirement was within one year of leaving public employment in New York State. You can designate one or more beneficiaries to receive this one-time, lump sum benefit. For more information, please visit our Death Benefits page.

        If you’re eligible for a post-retirement death benefit, your death benefit amounts should have been provided to you in a letter when you retired. If you no longer have this letter, you can request a reprint by calling our customer service representatives at 866-805-0990 or messaging them using our secure contact form. Filling out the secure form allows us to safely contact you about your personal account information.

  2. Scott A McGowan

    I retired as a municipal police officer in New York State as a Tier 2 member in the NYS Police/Fireman retirement plan in 2005. I have lived in New York state since my retirement, and plan on moving to the state of Florida in 2023. Is there any New York state tax implications with my New York state pension when I become a resident of the state of Florida?

    1. NYSLRS

      For information about documents you have submitted, please call our customer service representatives at 1-866-805-0990 (or 518-474-7736 in the Albany, NY area), press 2, then follow the prompts. You can also email them using our secure email form. Filling out the secure form allows them to safely contact you about your personal account information.

    1. NYSLRS

      You can find you retirement number in your Retiree Annual Statement.

      If you are trying to send a question using our secure email form, you don’t need your retirement number or registration number in order to use the form. Instead, you can enter your Social Security number, and enter a place holder number (12345678, for example) in the Registration Number field.

      If you still need help, please call our customer service representatives at 1-866-805-0990 (or 518-474-7736 in the Albany, NY area), press 2, then follow the prompts. A representative can review your personal account information and answer your question.

  3. Meghann Gordon

    I have contacted you repeatedly via email over the past four months and never hear back. I have tried to call, but the wait times are several hours long. I submitted tier reinstatement paperwork and service credit paperwork over four months ago. I had to contact the Comptroller’s office to get a working phone number for NYSLRS, and the NYSLRS rep I spoke with said it would take two years to process the paperwork. That is an obscenely long time, especially for a short-term position. What can you do to process the paperwork in an acceptable amount of time (a few weeks to months)?

    1. NYSLRS

      Unfortunately, the NYSLRS social media team does not have access to your personal account information. For questions about your tier reinstatement, call our customer service representatives at 1-866-805-0990 (or 518-474-7736 in the Albany, NY area), press 2, then follow the prompts.

      1. Meghann Gordon

        This automated system just tells me you plan to take 2 years to process a form and I can wait on hold for 58 minutes if it’s been two years and you haven’t processed it yet.

        1. NY state employee

          The comptrollers office is a joke. They take their sweet time, at least the full 24 months. Don’t bother waiting an hour plus on the phone, they will simply tell you, sorry, will take two years to lift a finger.

          1. NYSLRS Post author

            Your message is important to us, and we have sent you a private message in response.

          2. Fran

            We’re almost to the 2 yr mark for my husband’s Tier reinstatement. My reinstatement in 2017 was very quick, and they were very helpful and responsive. It’s unfortunate that now it takes so long and that it’s incredibly difficult to reach someone for a status update.

  4. John M. Kowalski

    During my professional career, I have worked for several educational and social service agencies in NYC that were partly funded through NY State and NY City government.
    How can I find out straight up whether this work can count towards a NYSLRS service credit? I have found, respectfully, the service credit process to be rather opaque
    and slow moving, Is there simply a list of state and city funded agencies that may be included with NYSLRS? Thanks.

    1. NYSLRS

      To find out if you can receive NYSLRS service from your former employment, please email our customer service representatives using our secure email form. In your email, list the names and locations of the employers and the approximate dates you worked for them. One of our account representatives will be able to answer your questions. Filling out the secure form allows them to safely contact you about your personal account information.

  5. JOAN Attianese

    I’ve been trying to get through to the matrimonial dept for 6 months email and faxes with no responses Finally i did receive a letter in the mail that answered some of my questions, I’ve been still sending emails and had called the pension dept who said they will try to get them to call me with some answers which still no responds Can you tell me what else I can do to get some answers I would appreciate it

    1. NYSLRS Post author

      We apologize for the trouble you had trying to reach our Matrimonial Bureau. Your message is important to us and we have sent you a private message in response.

    2. Deborah Marinaro Gunshinan

      I too have been sending email with no respond for 8 months..This covid thing is getting old . They talk about the pandemic and why the are short workers..this is just a excuse to NOT DO THERE JOBS.. I am so angry with this nonsense
      I reached out to the court in requard to my case and they too said this is INSANE….this was a court order SIGNED BY THE JUDGE and still nothing .

      1. NYSLRS

        We apologize for trouble you had trying to reach someone. Your message is important to us and we have sent you a private message in response.

  6. Surinder

    Who manages the New York State Retirement Fund?

    I understand that Comptroller is the head of retirement system.

  7. Noreen

    Do you have to work at the same job for 10 years in order to be vested? Will you have to then do 10 years at a new job?

    1. NYSLRS

      Your total service credit is used in determining whether you are vested, even if that credit was earned while you were working for different participating employers. For example, a Tier 6 member who works for a participating municipality for five years, then takes a job with New York State, would be vested after five years at the State job (provided both jobs are full-time).

      You can check your estimated total service credit in Retirement Online. Sign in at web.osc.state.ny.us/retire/sign-in.php and look under ‘My Account Summary.’ If you don’t already have an account, click the “Sign Up” link under the “Customer Sign In” button on the Sign In page.

      For information specific to your circumstances, please contact our customer service representatives using the secure email form on our website (http://www.emailNYSLRS.com). Filling out the secure form allows them to safely contact you about your personal account information.

  8. Cheryl Ball

    My ex-husband retired from corrections.on our devorce papers I let him have our house and he agreed to some of his pension.how do I get the ball rolling on this. Thank you Cheryl b

    1. NYSLRS

      If there is a valid Domestic Relations Order (DRO) on file, retirement benefit payments to an ex-spouse begin after we have finalized the member’s retirement benefit. At that time, we would also make a retroactive payment of any amount owed to the ex-spouse. The time it takes to finalize a retirement benefit varies depending on the complexity of a member’s circumstances.

      For more information, you or your attorney can email our Matrimonial Bureau at dro@osc.state.ny.us.

  9. Albert Wilkins

    I retired from NYSDOCS in 2015, but I am in my 3rd year in the NYS school system working as a security monitor. Since I had almost 32 years in Corrections and now came out of retirement and am working for NYS again can I change retirement systems having over 34 years with the state now?

    1. NYSLRS

      You should speak with a representative before deciding to rejoin. You can contact our Call Center at 1-866-805-0990 (518-474-7736 in the Albany, New York area). The Call Center is open Monday through Friday from 7:30 am – 5:00 pm.

      You can also email our customer service representatives using our secure email form. Filling out the secure form allows them to safely contact you about your personal account information.

  10. John Mathew

    Hi, if I retire at age 55 and collect retirement benefit, and if I started working again how will it affect my pension?

    1. NYSLRS

      Under a regular service retirement (not a disability retirement) working in the private sector will not affect your pension. Most NYSLRS retirees can earn up to $35,000 per calendar year from public employment without a reduction in their pension. There generally is no earnings limit starting in the year the retiree turns 65.

      For more information, please read our booklet, What if I Work After Retirement?

    1. NYSLRS

      You can request a reprint of your 1099-R online.

      The reprint will be sent to the mailing address the Retirement System has on file for you. If you moved recently, you will need to update your address before ordering a reprint.

      Retirement Online is the fastest way to check and update your address with NYSLRS.

      Unless your new address is a PO box or International address, you can also email your address change using our secure contact form (http://www.emailNYSLRS.com). Complete all form fields and provide your old and new address. You can also use the secure form to request a reprint of your 1099-R.

    1. NYSLRS

      In most cases, receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI) will not affect your retirement benefit. For questions regarding your specific circumstances, please email our customer service representatives using the secure form on our website (http://www.emailNYSLRS.com). One of our representatives will review your account and respond to your questions. Filling out the secure form allows us to safely contact you about your personal account information.

  11. Michael Armida

    When will tier 6 be able to calculate expected pension? I am a tier 6 employee and plan to retire in approximately 30 months and need to calculate my anticipated pension.

    1. NYSLRS

      In the coming months, NYSLRS plans to introduce an online benefit calculator that members in all tiers can use. The new benefit calculator will be available in Retirement Online (if you don’t already have an account, you can register).

      In the meantime, you can find information about your pension calculation in your plan booklet, which is available on our Publications page.

  12. Janette phillips

    I have been trying to get a hold of my state retirement and all the numbers I have say they are all busy call back ,I have tried for days now can someone help me

    1. NYSLRS

      We apologize for the trouble you’re having. Your message is important to us and we have sent you an email in response.

    2. NYSLRS

      We’ve been informed that a NYSLRS customer service representative contacted you. We’re glad they were able to help.

      1. Janette phillips

        Well they really didnt help all that much.i want to no when I could expect when I am going to get my part of my ex husband retirement you had the QRD for a while.his name is Lawrence c phillips.could you tell me how much and when I will be getting it.

        1. NYSLRS

          The NYSLRS social media team does not have access to personal retirement accounts of NYSLRS members. For assistance, please contact our Matrimonial Bureau. You or your attorney can email them at dro@osc.state.ny.us.

    1. NYSLRS

      For an estimate of your NYSLRS pension, you can request a benefit projection by using our automated phone system. Call 1-866-805-0990, press 2 for members, then follow the prompts.

      To register for an online account, go to the Retirement Online page and click Register Now. You may find our guide to registering for Retirement Online helpful.

      You may also be interested in our publication How Do I Prepare to Retire? This booklet takes you step by step through the retirement process.

  13. Stephanie Sims

    I am considering a position with Peninsula Public Library in Lawrence NY. I’m not at all sure if this is the retirement system that would handle this library’s pensions, if so I want to know how long do you have to work before you are vested and I want to know if I can buy into the system since I have been working for CUNY for 17 years. Any information you can give me will be greatly appreciated.

    1. NYSLRS

      The Peninsula Public Library is a NYSLRS participating employer so yes, you would be eligible to earn a NYSLRS pension. For answers to your questions about your CUNY time, please email our customer service representatives using the secure form on our website (http://www.emailNYSLRS.com). Let them know your current job title and the job tile you are considering at the library. Filling out the secure form allows us to safely contact you about your personal information.

    1. NYSLRS

      We’re sorry you could not reach us. Your message is important to us and we have sent you a private message in response.

  14. Debra Bertone

    I have been trying for a month to get in touch with nyslretirement system calling throughout each day and get a message high call volume try again. I plan to retire in December. At this time I would like to lodge a complaint with the state comptroller office. It is very difficult to call from work. I’m home today trying every half hour and still get the same message. Please text me back with information

    1. NYSLRS

      We’re sorry you could not reach us. Your message is important to us and we have sent you a private message in response.

  15. Beth Westervelt

    I am trying to reach a “person” that I can talk to regarding my QDRO. It has already been approved by the state, but I would like retirement figures as of date of commencement. Can you give me an email address, or a contact number of who I could talk to, to obtain this information?

    1. NYSLRS

      We’re sorry you could not reach us. Your message is important to us and we have sent you a private message in response.

    1. NYSLRS

      You can mail your Direct Deposit Enrollment Application (RS6370) to:

      110 State Street
      Albany, NY 12244-0001

  16. Ricky Jackson

    Have been trying for a month to get in contact with someone. Have been disconnected every time. Is the call center actually staffed by people. It should not be this hard to get someone on the phone. I call at all times of the day and get the same response. I have sent emails and have not gotten any response. I’m in need of some assistance is there another line we can use to speak to people and if no one is there to answer calls let people know some other ways to get help. The system does not really give you any useful information.

    1. NYSLRS

      We’re sorry you could not reach us. Your message is important to us and we have sent you a private message in response.

  17. Mark Paulus

    Can I select my child who is 12 years old as the beneficiary ? Is the amount of retirement benefit reduced because select my child instead of my wife?

    1. NYSLRS

      You may name anyone you wish as a beneficiary, but the age of your beneficiary would affect the amount of your pension.

      If you choose a pension payment option that provides for a beneficiary after your death, your pension amount will be reduced. The amount of the reduction is based on actuarial calculations that take into account the beneficiary’s life expectancy. In other words, the younger the beneficiary, the deeper the reduction in your pension.

      Most Tier 1-4 members can use our Benefit Projector Calculator to estimate their retirement benefit. The calculator allows you to enter different beneficiary birth dates to compare potential benefits.

  18. Beth

    I am divorced from a state corrections officer. Am I able to get figures of his highest three years of pay at date of divorce?

        1. NYSLRS

          We’re sorry you could not reach us. Your message is important to us and we have sent you a private message in response.

  19. Roberto Vazquez

    I can not believe how inefficient this agency is. I have been calling for days and my call always gets disconnected because of the “high volume of calls”
    I need to speak to somebody about the transfer of my pension from New York City to New York state.
    I’m new here!! I don’t have a registration number, i can’t use that secure contact form.
    How can I get some answers to my questions!!!???

    1. NYSLRS

      We apologize for the trouble you are having getting through to our Call Center.

      You can use the secure email form (http://www.emailNYSLRS.com) without a registration number. Instead, use a placeholder in that box (such as 12345678).

  20. Fred Hnelosub

    I am a tier 3 New York State correctional officer with 28 years of service as of January 12, 2019 and still working. I am 61 years old, will be 62 in august of 2019. My intention is to work until I have 30 years of service to receive a pension of 60 %. I have accumulated over 1800 hours of sick time at this time. I understand that I can keep 1600 hours of sick time accruals to my benefit for retirement . My question is , can I use any remainder of my sick time as credit for time served , to leave earlier than 30 years of service and still receive a pension with 60%.

    1. NYSLRS

      Section 41(j) of Retirement and Social Security Law does provide an optional sick leave benefit that generally may be used to increase your total service credit.

      For information about your particular situation, please email our customer service representatives using our secure email form. One of our representatives will be able to review your account and let you know whether you can use service credit from sick leave to reach 30 years. Filling out the secure form allows us to safely contact you about your personal account information.

      For more information, you can also refer to the State Correction Officer plan publication.

    1. NYSLRS Post author

      Depending on your tier and bargaining unit, most State employees will receive up to one year of service credit per accident for time spent on workers’ compensation leave. Generally, employees of participating non-State employers will not receive credit for time spent on workers’ compensation leave.

      If you have questions about your specific situation, we recommend emailing our customer service representatives using our secure email form. One of our representatives can review your account to address your questions. Filling out the secure form allows us to safely contact you about your personal account information. Please allow five to seven business days for a response.

      For more information about service credit, you can visit our Service Credit for Tiers 2 Through 6 page or check out your plan booklet on our Publications page.

    1. NYSLRS Post author

      You can use Retirement Online as a convenient and secure way to review or change your beneficiaries. You can register for an account and sign in here. If you need help, we have step-by-step guides for both registration and signing-in.

      If you are an active member, you can also complete the Designation of Beneficiary form (RS5127) and mail it to NYSLRS.

      Whether you change your beneficiaries online or by mail, be sure to include all of your beneficiaries. Your new beneficiary designations will replace all of your previously named beneficiaries. The changes will not take effect until we review and approve your designations. You can read more about beneficiary designations in our Life Changes: Why Should I Designate a Beneficiary?

    1. NYSLRS

      To get the account-specific information you need, please email our customer service representatives using our secure email form.

      One of our representatives will review your account and get back to you. Filling out the secure form allows us to safely contact you about your personal account information. Please allow five to seven business days for a response.


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