Tag Archives: New York State

NYSLRS Retirees Contribute to New York State’s Economy

NYSLRS benefits provide a lifetime monthly pension retirees can count on. And, in turn, NYSLRS retirees contribute to our local economies in both good times and bad.

Nearly 79 percent of NYSLRS retirees live right here in New York State, and they can be found in every region and county. That means, in every corner of the Empire State, NYSLRS retirees are there—patronizing local businesses and helping to create jobs. Retirees also pay a significant share of State, local and property taxes.

As of the State fiscal year ending, March 31, 2024, Suffolk County on Long Island is home to 39,837 retirees and beneficiaries—the most benefit recipients of the counties outside of New York City. They make up about 2.6 percent of the county’s residents, and they bring some $1.5 billion in pension payments to their region’s economy.

On the other hand, Hamilton County has the fewest NYSLRS benefit recipients—just 545. But, for this sparsely populated county in the heart of the Adirondacks, those retirees represent about 10 percent of the county’s population, and they inject more than $12.9 million of pension payments into their communities.

As the number of NYSLRS retirees in our State grows, you can count on their help in building a stronger New York for years to come. Visit our website to see more about how retirees contribute to every region in the State.

Retirees Contribute to New York State’s Economy

How Retirees Contribute to Economic Stability

A NYSLRS pension is a defined benefit plan, which provides guaranteed monthly pension payments to retirees for life. With a defined benefit plan, your pension will be calculated based on a preset formula. That means—unlike with 401(k)-style defined contribution plans, which are essentially retirement savings accounts—your contributions won’t affect the amount you receive in retirement. NYSLRS retirees don’t have to worry about their pension running out during retirement, and there’s no danger of a drop in monthly income based on the whims of the stock market.

A study by the National Institute on Retirement Security (NIRS) suggests retirees with steady sources of income such as Social Security and monthly pensions are better able to maintain their spending during economic downturns, which may play a stabilizing role in local economies. That stability is particularly important in rural parts of the State. These areas often lack the economic diversity of more densely populated regions, which can make them more susceptible to downturns.

Defined benefit pension plans don’t just help New York State. Across the nation, pension benefits support millions of retirees who in turn contribute to their communities. In 2020, defined benefit pension plans paid $612.6 billion to 24.6 million retired Americans. According to the same NIRS study, their spending supported 6.8 million jobs and generated $1.3 trillion in economic activity.

Where Do NYSLRS Retirees Live?

NYSLRS provides pension benefits to more than 520,000 retirees and beneficiaries. You can find our retirees in every state in the US and in countries all around the world. However, most live right here in New York State.

Nearly 79% of NYSLRS Retirees Stay in New York

The vast majority of NYSLRS retirees—nearly 79 percent—stay in New York State, and their pension dollars flow right back into our communities. Retirees in New York pay local property and sales taxes. Their spending supports local businesses, generates thousands of jobs and stimulates the economy.

NYSLRS retirees in New York

Where in New York do these retirees call home?

Long Island is home to more than 66,000 retirees and beneficiaries. Suffolk County has the most and Nassau County has the third most benefit recipients of the counties outside of New York City. (The City, which has its own separate retirement systems for municipal employees, police and firefighters, has more than 24,000 retirees and beneficiaries.)

Erie County, which includes Buffalo, has the second most retirees—nearly 34,000. Albany County, home to the State capitol, is ranked fourth, with more than 20,000. Monroe, Westchester, Onondaga, Saratoga, Dutchess and Oneida Counties round out the top ten.

All told, retirees and beneficiaries in the top ten counties received $7 billion in retirement benefits in the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024.

Hamilton County has the fewest retirees. But, in this sparsely populated county in the heart of the Adirondacks, those 545 retirees represent about 10 percent of the county’s population and received $12.9 million in retirement benefits in the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024.

NYSLRS Retirees in the United States

NYSLRS retirees are found in every state. Florida, not surprisingly, is the second choice for retirees after New York. Roughly 41,000 call the Sunshine State home. North Carolina is third, followed by New Jersey and South Carolina. North Dakota has the fewest retirees and beneficiaries—only 23.

NYSLRS retirees in the United States

NYSLRS Retirees Around the World

There are 649 NYSLRS retirees and beneficiaries living around the world but the most common countries are:

  • Canada: 176
  • Israel: 48
  • England: 32
  • Philippines: 32
  • US Virgin Islands: 29

Learn More

Check out our 2024 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for more information about NYSLRS, the Common Retirement Fund and our nearly 1.2 million members, retirees and beneficiaries.

Note: All data is as of the State fiscal year end, March 31, 2024.