When it comes to managing your NYSLRS account, Retirement Online is the fastest way to do it. Skip printing forms, having them notarized and sending them through the mail. When you submit your requests online, NYSLRS has them immediately, and your changes will be completed more quickly. It’s convenient, and it’s secure.

View Your Account Information
Sign in to Retirement Online for easy access to your account information.
On your Account Homepage, you can find your:
- Date of membership;
- Tier;
- Retirement plan (use the benefit plan code to find your retirement plan publication—for more information, check out our video); and
- Estimated total service credit.
Get Email Notifications for Important Documents and Help Us ‘Go Green’
You can help us ‘go green’ and reduce paper waste by choosing email as your delivery preference for correspondence and other important documents. When you have something to view, we’ll send an email notifying you to sign in to Retirement Online. And it’ll save time—you’ll get access to your important documents sooner than printed copies are mailed.
To update your delivery preferences:
- Look under My Profile Information.
- Click update next to ‘Contact by’ or ‘Member Annual Statement by.’
- Choose Email from dropdown.
Be sure the email address listed in your profile is current.
If you choose email as your delivery preference, you will not receive a printed copy in the mail.
Update Your Contact Information
It’s important we have your current contact information so you receive the news, correspondence and statements we send you.
To update your contact information:
- Look under My Profile Information.
- Click update next to email address, mailing address or phone number.
If you don’t already have an email address on file, please provide it so we can contact you quickly with important information, such as a change to your benefits. Use a personal email address you will have access to before and after you retire, not a work email address.
Manage Your Beneficiaries
NYSLRS retirement plans provide death benefits for beneficiaries of eligible members who die before retiring. It’s a good idea to review your beneficiaries from time to time to make sure they reflect your current wishes. The beneficiary you named before might not be the one you would choose today. You should also review the contact information for your named beneficiaries so we can find them when needed.
To add or remove beneficiaries or update their contact information:
- Look under My Account Summary.
- Click View and Update My Beneficiaries button.
Estimate Your Pension
How much will your pension be? It’s an important question as you plan for retirement. In just a few steps, most members can use Retirement Online to estimate their pension based on the most up-to-date account information we have on file, then save or print the estimate. You can enter different retirement dates, payment options and beneficiaries to see how those choices would affect your benefit and help you choose the retirement date that’s right for you.
- Look under My Account Summary.
- Click Estimate My Pension Benefit button.
Apply for a Loan and Manage Loan Payments
The fastest way to apply for a loan is in Retirement Online. You can see how much you are eligible to borrow, what the repayment amount would be and whether your loan will be taxable—all before you apply.
- Look under My Account Summary.
- Click Apply for a Loan button.
If you have an existing loan, you can check your current loan balance and adjust your payment amount or make an additional one-time payment.
- Look under My Account Summary.
- Click Manage My Loans button.
Request Additional Service Credit
You may be able to request additional service credit if you worked for a participating employer before joining NYSLRS, worked for a public employer that later participated in NYSLRS, or served in the U.S. Armed Forces. In most cases, you have to pay for additional service credit. But because service credit is a factor in the calculation of your retirement benefits, purchasing additional service credit will usually increase your pension. You must submit your request before retirement, and you should do it as early in your career as possible—the sooner you purchase your credit, the less it will generally cost.
To submit your request online:
- Look under My Account Summary.
- Click Manage My Service Credit Purchases button.
- Click Request Additional Service Credit link.
Get Your Member Annual Statement
Your Member Annual Statement is a valuable snapshot of your NYSLRS membership and benefits as of March 31, the end of the state fiscal year. You can access Statements dating back to 2020 online.
- Look under My Account Summary.
- Click View My Member Annual Statement button.
Statements are made available online each year in early May, sooner than printed copies are mailed—update your delivery preference to get notified.
Generate a Mortgage Verification Letter
If you are applying for a mortgage and need a summary of your NYSLRS account information, you can quickly generate a mortgage verification letter online. The document will show your contribution balance, the date and amount of your last loan, and if you have an existing loan, the current balance, the payroll deduction amount and the interest rate.
- Look under I want to… (located at the top right).
- Click Generate Mortgage Verification Letter link.
Apply for Retirement
When you are ready to retire, avoid the hassle of paper forms and apply online. You’ll be able to see an estimate of your pension, select your payment option, enter federal tax withholding information, sign up for direct deposit, submit required documents and much more. Learn more about the advantages and how to apply for retirement in Retirement Online.
Other Online Transactions
If you were a member of another New York State public retirement system before joining NYSLRS, you may be able to reinstate your date of membership and tier.
- Look under My Account Summary.
- Click Reinstate a Previous Membership button.
If you leave public employment with less than ten years of service credit, you can withdraw your membership online and request a refund of your contributions. However, this will end your NYSLRS membership. Before you submit a withdrawal application, we recommend speaking with a customer service representative by sending a message using our secure contact form.
Retirement Online After You Retire
Retirement Online will continue to be an essential tool throughout your retirement years. To learn more, check out how Retirement Online for Retirees Keeps Getting Better.
Can you send me forms to imcrease my income tax with holding
Retirement Online is the fastest and most convenient way to update your withholding information.
You can also download, print and complete a paper W-4P Form to update your withholding information. Please note: With a paper form, your new withholding information will take longer to reach us.