Tag Archives: retirement planning

Financial Literacy and Retirement

April is National Financial Literacy Month, a time dedicated to helping people make informed financial decisions and manage money effectively. Financial literacy means understanding and using skills such as budgeting, investing and managing your personal finances.  

Greater financial literacy generally translates into greater financial well-being, according to a recent report from the TIAA Institute-GFLEC Personal Finance Index. TIAA’s research also finds a connection between financial literacy and saving for retirement.

Financial Literacy and Retirement

Financial Literacy and Planning for Retirement

Increase your financial literacy and make a good plan for retirement by understanding your NYSLRS benefits, your other sources of retirement income and your current financial situation. Once you know where you stand, you’ll be in a better position to plan.

Understand Your NYSLRS Benefits

As a NYSLRS member, you are enrolled in a defined benefit plan, also known as a traditional pension plan. If you are vested and retire from NYSLRS, you will receive a monthly pension payment for the rest of your life. Your pension will be calculated using a formula based on your earnings and years of service, your retirement plan, and your tier. 

Find your retirement plan publication for comprehensive information about the benefits you are entitled to receive as a member of the Employees’ Retirement System (ERS) or the Police and Fire Retirement System (PFRS).

Depending on your tier and retirement plan, certain membership milestones will affect how your pension is calculated and how much you’ll receive at retirement. Read our milestones blog posts for general information about the retirement plans that cover most NYSLRS members:

Consider Other Sources of Retirement Income

Your pension will provide you with monthly payments for the rest of your life. But there is more to a financially secure retirement than having a pension. Understanding your potential sources of income will help you plan for your future and boost your retirement confidence. Think of retirement security as a three-legged stool. Each leg is a source of income to help support you when your working days are done.

The formula for a financially secure retirement

Retirement savings can be an important financial asset when you retire. Savings can provide money for you to travel, continue your education, pursue a hobby or start a business. The money you set aside can also be a resource in case of an emergency, act as a hedge against inflation and boost your retirement confidence.

Evaluate Your Current Financial Situation

Estimate Your Retirement Income

An estimate of your NYSLRS pension benefit is essential for effective retirement planning. Most members can create their own estimate in minutes using Retirement Online. Your estimate will be based on the most up-to-date account information we have on file for you. You can enter different retirement dates to see how those choices would affect your benefit.

There are also a variety of online calculators that can help you estimate the retirement income you might expect from Social Security or personal retirement savings.

Create a Budget

Use our Monthly Income & Expenses Worksheets to help you track your current spending habits and project your future needs. Remember to account for non-monthly expenses, such as car insurance, property taxes and school taxes.

Pay Down Your Debt

If you’re planning to retire soon, it’s a good idea to take inventory of any debt you owe. Debt is not necessarily bad but paying it down can give you more flexibility to enjoy the type of retirement you want.

Your Death Benefit Beneficiaries

NYSLRS retirement plans provide death benefits for beneficiaries of eligible members who die before retiring. If you are retired, your beneficiaries may be entitled to a post-retirement death benefit.

It’s important to name beneficiaries and review them periodically. Life circumstances sometimes change, and the beneficiary you named before might not be the one you would choose today. For example, if you just married, you may want to update your NYSLRS account information to name your new spouse as your beneficiary.

2 Types of Beneficiaries

  • Your primary beneficiary will receive your death benefit. You can list more than one primary beneficiary. If you do, they will share the benefit equally. Or you can choose different percentages for each beneficiary to total 100 percent. (Example: John Doe, 50 percent; Jane Doe, 25 percent; and Mary Doe, 25 percent.)
  • A contingent beneficiary will only receive a benefit if all your primary beneficiaries die before you do. If you list multiple contingent beneficiaries, they will share the benefit equally unless you choose different percentages.

Special Beneficiary Designations

Your beneficiary doesn’t have to be a person. You can name a charity, a trust or your estate as your beneficiary.

Special Beneficiary Designations for Your NYSLRS Death Benefit
  • Estate. When you die, your estate is the money and property you owned. Your death benefit will be given to the executor of your estate to be distributed according to the terms of your will. You can name your estate as the primary or contingent beneficiary of your death benefit. If you name your estate as the primary beneficiary, do not name a contingent beneficiary.
  • Trust. You can name a trust as a primary or contingent beneficiary if you have a trust agreement or provided for a trust in your will. The trust itself would be your beneficiary, not the individuals for whom you established the trust. (Speak with your attorney if you’re thinking about making your trust a beneficiary.)
  • Entity. You can also name any charitable, civic, religious, educational or health-related organization as a beneficiary.
  • Minor children. If your beneficiary is under the age of 18 at the time of your death, your benefit will be paid to the child’s court-appointed guardian. You may instead choose a custodian to receive the benefit on the child’s behalf under the Uniform Transfers to Minors Act (UTMA). Custodians can be designated in Retirement Online or you can contact us for more information and the appropriate form before making this type of designation.

Keep Your Beneficiaries Up to Date

You can change your beneficiaries at any time. In addition to adding or removing them to reflect your current wishes, you should review the contact information for your named beneficiaries so we can find them when needed.

The fastest way to view or update your beneficiaries is in Retirement Online.

Find More Information

If you are not yet retired, you can read more about beneficiary designations in Life Changes: Why Should I Designate a Beneficiary?

If you are retired, you may wish to read our Can You Change Your Beneficiary After You Retire? blog post.

Supplement Your NYSLRS Pension with Retirement Savings

Your NYSLRS pension can provide a significant portion of your retirement income, but it’s also a good idea to supplement your pension and Social Security with a retirement savings account.

Retirement savings can be an important financial asset when you retire. Savings can enhance your retirement lifestyle and give you the flexibility to do the things you want. Your savings can provide money for you to travel, continue your education, pursue a hobby or start a business. The money you set aside can also be a resource in case of an emergency, act as a hedge against inflation and boost your retirement confidence.

Set a Retirement Savings Goal

How much to save is a personal decision, but here are some things to consider.

Financial advisers often recommend saving 10 to 15 percent of your gross earnings throughout your career to retire comfortably. However, that advice is aimed at people with 401(k)-style defined contribution retirement plans as their main source of retirement income.

As a NYSLRS member, you’re part of a defined benefit plan, also known as a traditional pension plan. Your pension, based on your years of service and earnings, will provide a lifetime benefit. You can estimate your pension in Retirement Online to get an idea of the income it will provide in retirement.

Having a pension means you may not need to save as much as someone with only a 401(k). Use a retirement savings calculator to see how much a retirement savings plan could yield over time, or test the results of different savings amounts.

Below you can see potential savings results of someone who invests 50 dollars every two weeks over 30 years. While the stock market can be turbulent over the long term, stock market returns average about 10 percent a year.

Saving for Retirement

As you get closer to retirement, you should develop a plan to withdraw money from your retirement savings. A withdrawal plan will give you a better idea of the income you might expect from your nest egg.

Here is one possible withdrawal strategy, which was designed to provide retirement income for 20 years. Please note, if your retirement is far in the future, the money you withdraw may not have the same value that it has today. However, while inflation has been high recently, it does cycle and has been lower in the past.

Withdrawing from Retirement Savings

If you find you’ll need to save more to meet your goal, you can make adjustments to help ensure you’ll have enough savings in retirement.

Deferred Compensation – A Way to Save

State employees and many municipal employees are eligible to save for retirement through the New York State Deferred Compensation Plan. Once you’ve signed up, your retirement savings, which may be tax-deferred, depending on your plan, will be automatically deducted from your paycheck. (The Deferred Compensation Plan is not affiliated with NYSLRS.)

Check with your employer’s human resources or personnel office to see if they participate in the Deferred Compensation Plan or if they offer other savings options.

Read More About Retirement Savings

You can find more information about saving for retirement in these posts:

National Retirement Security Month

October is National Retirement Security Month, a time to learn more about the importance of saving and your potential sources of income in retirement. Even if your own retirement seems far off in the future, it’s never too early to start developing your plans for retirement.

Retirement Security

NYSLRS and Retirement Security

Check out these blog posts to learn more about how your NYSLRS pension and other sources of retirement income can provide retirement security.

  • What is a Defined Benefit Plan?
    Your NYSLRS pension is a defined benefit retirement plan. When you retire, you’ll receive a guaranteed lifetime benefit based on your earnings and years of service. It will be calculated using a preset formula rather than being limited to your accumulated contributions and your investment returns, as it would be in a 401(k)-style plan.  
  • The 3-Legged Stool: An Approach to Retirement Confidence
    Think of your retirement security as a three-legged stool — each leg represents a different income source that supports you in retirement. The first leg of the stool is your NYSLRS pension, and the second leg is your Social Security benefit. The third leg is your own personal savings, which can give you more flexibility during retirement, helping to ensure that you’ll be able to do the things you want to do.
  • Compounding: A Great Way for Your Money to Grow
    The sooner you can start saving, the better — especially if you have a retirement savings account with compounding interest. When your money is compounded, it increases in value by earning interest on both the principal and accumulated interest. But for your money to make more money, it needs time to grow.
  • Deferred Compensation: Another Source of Retirement Income
    Deferred compensation plans are voluntary retirement savings plans. Your contributions will be automatically deducted from your paycheck, and you can contribute as little as 1 percent of your earnings. It’s a savings vehicle to consider if you want to start saving extra for retirement but aren’t sure where to start.
  • Give Your Retirement Savings a Boost
    Once you’re on your way and saving for retirement, you may want to look at ways to increase how much you save. Even the smallest increase can make a big difference over time, while having a minimal impact on your take-home pay.

Remember, retirement security doesn’t just happen — it takes planning. Visit our Retirement Planning page for more information about your NYSLRS pension, including an overview of how it’s calculated, estimating your amount and how to find a description of the benefits provided by your specific retirement plan.

Crunching the Numbers: A Short Guide to Retirement Calculators

A good estimate of your post-retirement income is essential for effective retirement planning. But gauging your income can be tricky when it comes from multiple sources. Fortunately, there are a variety of online calculators that can help you get started.

online calculators for retirement planning

NYSLRS Benefit Calculator

Most NYSLRS members can quickly create a pension estimate using Retirement Online. Your estimate will be based on the most up-to-date account information we have on file for you. You can enter different retirement dates to see how those choices would affect your benefit and adjust your earnings or service credit if you anticipate a raise or plan to purchase past service.

Social Security Calculators

The Social Security Administration (SSA) hosts several calculators that you may find helpful. Their Quick Calculator uses information you enter to provide a rough Social Security benefit estimate. Their Retirement Estimator calculates your benefit based on your actual earnings. You’ll need to enter your Social Security number and other personal information to create an SSA account. 

You can also look up when you will be eligible for full Social Security benefits and estimate your life expectancy.

Savings Calculators

If you are saving for retirement, a simple savings calculator can give you an idea of how your money can grow over the years. However, simple calculators like this assume a fixed amount of savings each month. Most people increase their retirement savings as their income grows.

If you have a 457(b) plan like those offered by the New York State Deferred Compensation Plan, you can use their interactive retirement planner to project a hypothetical view of what your retirement may look like based on information you provide

Savings Withdrawal Calculators

Savings withdrawal calculators are designed to help determine how much savings remains after a series of withdrawals. These are especially helpful tools to use when trying to determine how long your retirement savings will last, based on a starting amount, how much you expect to withdraw, how often and some other factors.

How Much Do You Need?

Now that you’ve estimated your potential sources of retirement income, it’s important to understand your anticipated expenses in retirement. Our Income and Expenses Worksheet can help you create a post-retirement budget.

Think of retirement security as a three-legged stool, with your NYSLRS pension, social security benefit and retirement savings working together to provide financial stability. Your NYSLRS pension is a defined benefit, or traditional pension, that will provide you with a monthly payment for the rest of your life. Having a retirement savings account can give you more flexibility to do the things you want to do, or provide a source of cash in case of an emergency. Start saving for retirement if you haven’t already, or give your retirement savings a boost.

Debt and Retirement

If you’re planning to retire soon, it’s a good idea to take inventory of any debt you owe. Paying down your debt can give you flexibility to enjoy the type of retirement you want.

NYSLRS Loan Debt

If you have an outstanding NYSLRS loan balance when you retire, it will reduce your pension. The amount of your reduction is based on:

  • Your retirement system — Employees’ Retirement System (ERS) or Police and Fire Retirement System (PFRS);
  • Your tier;
  • Your age at retirement; and
  • Whether you retire with a service retirement benefit or a disability retirement benefit.
Debt and Retirement - How a NYLSRS Loan Balance Could Affect Your Pension

The pension reduction does not go toward repaying the outstanding loan balance — it’s a permanent reduction. And, at least part of the loan balance at retirement will be subject to federal income taxes.

When you apply to retire using Retirement Online and have an outstanding NYSLRS loan balance, the pension reduction amounts are provided to you. They are also listed on the loan applications on our Forms page. If you are nearing retirement, be sure to check your loan balance. If you are not on track to repay your loan before you retire, you can increase your loan payments, make additional lump sum payments or both (see the Change Your Payroll Deductions or Make Lump Sum Payments section of our Loans page.)

Although ERS members may repay their loan after retiring, they would have to pay the full balance that was due at retirement in a single lump sum payment. Then, going forward, the pension would be increased to the amount it would have been without the loan reduction. However, it would not be increased retroactively back to the date of retirement.

Other Debt to Check

Credit Cards

Another priority is paying off credit cards. Credit card statements carry a minimum payment warning that tells you how long it will take, and how much it will cost, to pay off your balance making only minimum payments.

If you have more than one credit card balance, many financial advisors recommend you pay as much as you can on the card with the highest interest, while making at least the minimum payments on lower-interest cards. Once you’ve paid off the high-interest card, focus on the one with the next-highest rate, and so on. Other advisors say it might be better to pay off the card with the smallest balance first. The idea is to gain a sense of accomplishment, and make the process seem less daunting.


Should you try to pay off your mortgage before you retire? Advice varies on that question. It would eliminate a major expenditure and let you spend your retirement income on other things. On the other hand, if your mortgage interest rate is relatively low, you may want to focus on paying off other high-interest debt or boosting your retirement savings. What works best for you will depend on your situation.

Add a NYSLRS Publication to Your Summer Reading List

Looking for some summer reading to add to your e-reader? Check out these publications from NYSLRS for important retirement information.

Add a NYSLRS Publication to Your Summer Reading List

1. Retirement Plan for ERS Tier 6 Members (Article 15)

Are you one of more than 350,000 Tier 6 Employees’ Retirement System (ERS) members covered by Article 15? Your retirement plan publication explains some of the benefits and the services available to you, including service retirement, disability retirement, death benefits and more. Read it now.

2. Retirement Plan for ERS Tier 3 and 4 Members (Articles 14 and 15)

If you’re not in Tier 6, you’re likely among more than 260,000 Tier 3 and 4 ERS members covered by Article 14 and 15. Check out your publication to find out about the benefits and the services available to you. Read it now.

3. Service Credit for Tiers 2 Through 6

The service credit you earn as a NYSLRS member is an important factor in the calculation of your pension. This publication explains the service you can earn credit for and how you can request to purchase credit for additional public employment or military service. Read it now.

4. What If I Leave Public Employment?

While we hope you stay a NYSLRS member throughout your working career, we understand that circumstances can change. If you leave public employment, this publication explains what you’ll need to do and what happens to your NYSLRS membership. Spoiler: It depends on how much service you have. Read it now.

5. What If I Work After Retirement?

Generally, NYSLRS retirees under age 65 can earn up to $35,000 per calendar year from public employers in New York State without affecting their NYSLRS pension. However, you should be aware of the laws governing post-retirement employment and how working after retirement may impact your retirement benefits. If you are considering working while collecting your pension, you should read this publication. If you already work in public employment as a NYSLRS retiree, read our Update Regarding Retiree Earnings Limit blog post for information about recent legislation and Governor’s executive orders that affect the limit.

Other Publications

Looking for other retirement plans? Maybe you’re a police officer, a firefighter, a sheriff or a correctional officer. You can find your retirement plan publication on our website. Visit our Publications page for more general information topics such as Life Changes: Why Should I Designate a Beneficiary?

Are You Prepared for a Long Retirement?

As you plan for retirement, you need to think about your sources of income in retirement. However, you should also consider how long your retirement income will need to last.

Longer Life Span, Longer Retirement

These days, a 55-year-old man can expect to live for another 27.4 years, to about 82. A 55-year-old woman can expect to live for more than 30 years. These figures, derived from the Social Security life expectancy calculator, are only averages. They don’t account for factors such as health, lifestyle or family medical history.

life expectancy statistics to help plan for a long retirement

Here are some other statistics worth considering as you plan for retirement (as of the State fiscal year that ended March 31, 2022):

  • More than 37,000 NYSLRS retirees were over 85 years old;
  • More than 3,500 had passed the 95-year mark; and
  • 401 NYSLRS’ retirees were 101 or older.

Considering that many public employees can retire as early as 55, it’s possible that a fair number of them could have retirements that last 45 years or more.

Saving for a Long Retirement

Your NYSLRS pension is one source of income that you can depend on however long your retirement lasts. Employees’ Retirement System (ERS) members who retired in fiscal year 2022 are receiving an average monthly pension of $2,748. Social Security is another long-term source. The average Social Security benefit for a retired worker was $1,837 a month, as of June 2023.

Your retirement savings is a crucial asset that can supplement your pension and Social Security. In a long retirement, savings can help with rising costs and provide a source of cash in an emergency.

It is never too late to start saving for retirement. The New York State Deferred Compensation Plan is one easy way to get started. It’s a program created for New York State employees and employees of participating public agencies. If you’re a municipal employee, ask your employer if you’re eligible for the Deferred Compensation Plan or another retirement savings plan. (The New York State Deferred Compensation Plan is not affiliated with NYSLRS.)

You should also visit our Start Saving for Retirement page. You’ll find an example of how much you can save over a 30-year period, and a sample withdrawal strategy designed to provide retirement income for 20 years.

Your NYSLRS Pension Benefit

Your NYSLRS pension is a lifetime benefit that will provide monthly payments throughout your retirement. Get a head start on your retirement planning and estimate your pension in Retirement Online.

The 3-Legged Stool: An Approach to Retirement Confidence

As a NYSLRS member, your defined benefit pension plan is a good reason to be optimistic about your finances when you retire. Your pension will provide you with monthly payments for the rest of your life. But there is more to a financially secure retirement than having a pension. Understanding your potential sources of income will help you plan for your future and boost your retirement confidence.

Think of retirement security as a three-legged stool. Each leg is a source of income to help support you when your working days are done.

retirement confidence

Leg 1: Your NYSLRS Pension

At retirement, vested NYSLRS members are eligible for a pension based on their final average earnings and the number of years they’ve worked in public service. Your NYSLRS pension provides you with a monthly payment for the rest of your life, no matter how long you live. Unlike workers who rely on a 401(k)-style retirement plan, you won’t have to worry about this income running out.

Most members can use Retirement Online to estimate how much their pension will be. But, if you’re a long way from retirement, it may be better to think in terms of earnings replacement. Financial advisers estimate you’ll need to replace 70 to 80 percent of your income to retire with confidence. Your pension can help get you there. For example, if you retire with 30 years of service, your NYSLRS pension could replace more than half of your earnings. (Pension benefits depend on your tier and retirement plan. Look up your retirement plan publication to find out how your retirement benefit will be calculated.)

Leg 2: Social Security

Your Social Security benefit is another source of income to help support you in retirement. It replaces a percentage of your pre-retirement income. At full retirement age, your social security benefit can replace from about 75 percent for lower income earners to about 27 percent for higher income earners. Visit Social Security’s Plan for Retirement page to estimate your income and learn more about your benefit.

Leg 3: Retirement Savings Can Boost Your Confidence

A lifetime pension and Social Security income will be substantial financial assets, but it’s still important to save for retirement. A healthy retirement savings will give you more flexibility during retirement, helping to ensure that you’ll be able to do the things you want to do. It can also help in case of an emergency and act as a hedge against inflation.

Saving is the retirement factor you have the most control over. You decide when to start, how much to save and how to invest your money. The key is to start saving early so your money has time to grow, even if you can only afford to save a small amount in the beginning.

Eligible employees might consider saving with the New York State Deferred Compensation Plan (NYSDCP). Money gets deducted from your paycheck so you won’t even have to think about it. NYSDCP is not affiliated with NYSLRS, but New York State employees and some municipal employees can participate. If you’re a municipal employee, ask your employer whether you’re eligible for NYSDCP or another retirement savings plan.

A Good Plan Can Ease Your Transition to Retirement

When people talk about retirement planning, they’re usually talking about money. But there’s another aspect that people often forget: what will you do with all that newfound free time? After decades of hard work, the thought of sleeping late and taking it easy is pretty attractive. But the transition to retirement is a big deal, and many retirees don’t consider the psychological aspects of the change. We’ve gleaned some advice from professional sources.

A Good Plan Can Ease Your Transition to Retirement

Create a Plan and Schedule

However you feel about your job right now, it’s an important part of your life. It provides structure, mental stimulation and social interaction. Retiring can leave a void, and streaming the latest shows or making frequent trips to the grocery store may not be enough to fill it. Empty or aimless hours can lead to boredom, disenchantment and even depression.

You may have a long list of things to do, places to go, and hobbies to take up, but if you don’t decide where to begin, it can be hard to get started. You’ll need to actively plan your activities and create a schedule to successfully manage your time in retirement. Write down how you’d like to spend each day of the week, blocking out time for chores, social engagements, hobbies and exercise. Sticking to a schedule can keep your days structured and give you a sense of accomplishment.

Stay Engaged

For many people, staying busy and remaining socially engaged are essential to a satisfying transition to retirement. That’s one reason why some retirees take on part-time or seasonal jobs.

A job in retirement doesn’t necessarily mean continuing to do the same old thing. Retirement is an opportunity to reinvent yourself. Do something you’ve always wanted to do, something fun and challenging.

Maybe the job for you is one that doesn’t pay at all, at least monetarily. There are countless organizations looking for volunteers.

Volunteering just a few hours a week will give you something to look forward to and keep you connected to the outside world, which can improve both your mental and physical well-being.

Exercise Your Body and Brain

Regular exercise not only keeps you physically fit — it also increases your sense of well-being. Whatever you do to exercise, make it part of your regular schedule. Consider taking a fitness class at a local gym, which also adds a social element to your workout. Maybe you can up the ante by trying something new, like a martial arts class.

Don’t forget to exercise your brain. A course or workshop can help you discover a new side to yourself (the painter, the mystery writer, the master of topiary). You may even want to enroll in classes at a local community college or return to school full-time.

Whatever you do, make sure it’s part of a plan — a plan for a happier retirement.